Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks -
108 Odlin Road - Bangor, ME 04401
- Phone: 207-942-6977

Contact the Bangor Elks Club!

Our Address is:

BPOE  Lodge # 244
108 Odlin Road
Bangor ME 04401

Phone and Voice Mail 207-942-8711 ( Elks Lounge)
207-942-6977   Elks Mgr.

Elks Fax:      207-942-3081

for Elks Hall fundraisers/ donations

Banquets/Catering:  call Elks

Fill out our contact form to get in touch with us.

Lodge Hours  

  • Sunday 9am-8pm
  • Monday 9am-10pm
  • Tuesday 9am-10pm
  • Wednesday 9am-10pm
  • Thursday 9am-11pm
  • Friday 9am-1am
  • Saturday 9am-12am

Grill is on ~ Food is available

Lounge Events and Bands information on our

     Lodge Site: Visit